Posts by Cj24

    After a few months without any news, I've recently started working on the CVPI again. Here're two pictures of the current progress with the body being mostly complete.

    The taillights need a new model underneath the glass, and possibly also a new texture. The wheels will get a back to make sure there're no holes in the mesh visible from the opposite site.

    The most important part that's going to need quite a lot of work is the interior. I'll map the parts to custom textures, including normal and specular maps, similar to what Kane104 did with his Caprice. I also need to replace the door interior parts, as they aren't correct 2011 models. I'll try to find finished models I may use and release, however if that's not possible, I'm going to create my own. I also need to replace the gauges and give them new textures.

    After all that's done, I'll be able to put it in-game finally to work on the spec maps and see if there's any further things to do. Then the next step are the LODs and after that hopefully a first beta version.

    Those of you who use default cars might have noticed that the grill lights of the FIB Buffalo were always on. While the emissive material was barely noticeable in-game by default during day time, you could see it at night. Now with mods like RadianceV, which increase the brightness of all lights, it's very noticeable.

    Surprisingly, it seems like nobody else has yet fixed that, so I decided to quickly do it myself. I also took the opportunity and scaled down the grill lights and edited the textures to replace the original red/blue glass with white glass.

    Model made by Rockstar Games, slightly edited by Cj24.

    Installation Instructions
    Use OpenIV to import the fbi.yft, fbi.ytd and fbi_hi.yft files into \x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf.

    This site will remain extremely dead with the stringent requirements for downloads.

    To be honest, I doubt that there's any connection between activity and our guidelines. If users wanted to present their mods no matter what, they would've always had the option to post it in the showroom.

    The fact of the matter is that the practicality of a car should be unaffected by minute details such as a single "incorrect" material or LOD error. 99.9% of people simply don't care for such small errors and I think it's just stupid to expect everyone to work on what is practically more strict than even Rockstar Games' own standards for vehicle development.

    I have to agree with you there, most users indeed don't care about a single small errors, but that's not really describing the actual scale of our reviews. So far, there has been no case where a mod wasn't approved because it had a single incorrect material or LOD flaws. Every rejected mod has either had obvious game-affecting issues that will be noticed when using the car (such as wrong collisions, unbreakable glass, faulty dirtmaps or missing LODs), incorrect credits or missing screenshots (or often multiple of those things). Many of that stuff would be easy to fix, though.
    We don't compare cars to their real counterpart, but in the past we've had cases were equipment was obviously out of scale or where specific parts had obviously wrong colors. We do mention this to author, usually however worded as a recommendation, believing that the idea of creating quality work is also in the author's best interest.

    I'd like to thank you for your feedback, I'm hoping I was able to clear up some misunderstandings you and others might have had. Our feedback for a mod will distinguish between necessary fixes and optional recommended changes more clearly in the future. I'll also try to modify our guidelines to give more specific information as to what's considered a bug or a minor inaccuracy.

    We in Accurate Studio want to put quality over quantity, and we don't want to use these guidelines to prevent users from uploading their mods, but to help them improve them. I'm not sure whether some modders don't like receiving a list of flaws or whether they prefer not to continue working on a mod they considered finished. Once more, we always encourage people to post their mods in our showrooms to get feedback, or if you prefer to keep your pre-release versions private, feel free to contact me personally, as long as I have the time I'll be happy to take a look at any mod.
    And of course, I'd be happy to get more feedback on the matter of these guidelines.

    Hey everybody!

    I've recently been wondering whether our filebase guidelines are too strict and whether we have been rejecting too many modifications. Our original idea was that creators would post their mods in the Showroom in the forums to gather feedback, improve their mods and submit it to our filebase if they believe any issues the mods might have had have been fixed. Unfortunately, there're barely any released mods in the Showrooms. In most cases, there also was no reaction to the feedback we gave the authors whose mods were rejected in our filebase.

    Compared to GTA IV, it has become harder to create a high quality modification. There're more LODs to work on, faulty materials are easier to spot and so on. Our rejection rate is therefore quite high.

    I'd like to know whether our community stands behind these guidelines. We've received mostly postitive feedback back when we launched this website and even more on GTA Modding Chest, this website's predecessor. I've added a poll for everyone to vote until the end of february and I also want to encourage people to post more detailed feedback in this thread, if anybody wants to.
    It's unlikely that we immediately change our guidelines based on the feedback we get, but it will definitely be considered in the future.

    I haven't changed too much since the last screenshots, however I finished the trunk and the hood. Like all other body parts, it's supporting ingame colors, used red in the screenshot of the trunk. Unfortunately, I had to modify the template a little bit, I've added a spot to color the trunk interior for those who prefer using the liveries to set colors (not including the hood and trunk lid interior parts - they still have a seperate texture).

    I'm currently working on the headlights. The textures have been replaced with better images, their resolution was doubled compared to the old one. The glass around the reflector and the side markers now has a normal map. The lights are all still in progress, I'll try to add some more improvements.

    Is it just me or are your materials a bit light in appearance?

    They look light, yeah. I've disabled the specular settings, that's what it actually looks like:

    Also, the dashboard. Were you planning on using the same version you converted to IV?

    As the author isn't around anymore, I have to replace it. I don't want to use parts if I can't make sure I may convert them. There seem to be quite a few cars with 06-11 dashboards around, I doubt it's going to be that hard to find one.

    I've made a few more updates, I've been mostly working on setting up the interior parts. It's pretty much the same as the old version for IV with a few minor changes. The dashboard still needs to be added, I need to look for a model I can get permission to convert.

    I've recently started converting the CVPI from Driver:SF to GTA V. I've been using my latest version for GTA IV as a base, which already quite some improvements to the one I released unlocked. However, there're still a lot more things I've changed or still plan to change. I want to convert the most common versions, starting with 2011 and 2008, the 2011 Street Appearance version and probably also older variants like 1998 and 99.

    Here's a first picture of the current progress. Not too much to see, but everything shown should be complete. If the black plastic parts seem light grey, that's because ZModeler renders the specular maps differently than the game. It will be fine ingame when everything finished.

    So far, I've managed to do the following things:

    • I've fixed all issues the model still had with normals I could find.
    • I've created a new custom dirt/dust/scratch map. The whole exterior supports it, including all plastic parts like the mirrors or the grill.
    • The doors and the roof can be colored using carvariations settings. This is usually more precise than using a texture.
    • Many textures have been improved, proper normal and specular maps have been added where necessary.
    • The underbody and many more parts were replaced with parts from the original model, without the mapping issues of F5544's conversion.
    • The template has been slightly improved and is now in a 4k resolution. It's still compatible with the one I created for IV, however (very) few small minor parts have changed.

    As you can see, there's still a lot more work to do. The reason why I'm creating this thread now anyway, is that my aim is to make the CVPI as good as possible. That's why I need any suggestions you guys have to improve it. In the end, when everything is done, I plan to release the models unlocked.

    Hey everybody,

    I recently noticed I still have the old LVMPD CVPIs I started working on more than a year ago. Apart from the 2003 version they were all pretty much complete, so I decided to finish them up now and release them.
    There might be minor inaccuracies since I don't really remember if there was still something missing. If you find anything, please tell me and I'll try to correct it.

    Most ENBs can be configured in the enbeffect.fx, however there're some ENBs with far more settings than others. CryENB's image settings are on top, you can modify brightness and saturation there. I'm using the following settings for example:
    float Brightness = 0.9;
    float Saturation = 1.0;

    The vehicle lights are most likely custom shader settings, if it's even possible to modify them, it's probably a lot more complicated. Although in my opinion, with well modded cars, it usually looks much more realistic than the default shaders.

    Since vehicle mods became possible in GTA V a few months ago, many modders require people to obtain permissions before converting a model from GTA IV. As many websites are handling this in different ways, I'd like to clarify our stance on the topic. Our terms of use state that all required rights have to be obtained before posting any form of content. To avoid confusion, we've recently added another term explicitly stating that modifictions without proper permission shouldn't be shown in the gallery. If somebody violates this rule repeatedly, we are going to remove his permissions to upload pictures to our gallery at all. Our aim is not to forbid pictures of personal mods altogether, but to prevent showcase of so-called stolen mods. In the past, rippers have posted stolen models on other websites simply for the purpose of provoking. If you don't have permission to have a mod, you may not show it.

    There're different reasons for debates about permissions. For example in some cases, people struggle with the definition of personal use. Some authors allow personal use without requiring further permissions. Many people believe that a mod is private as long as it's not released, others think no pictures should be shown either. We believe that as long as you're the only one having access to a model, you're still using it privately, and you're free to post pictures. However, you always need to follow the original author's definitions.

    Sometimes, the terms and conditions of a mod are changed after the first release. We're always going to try to find a fair solution for both original authors and for people who'd like to edit or convert a mod. We believe that as long as a person is not informed of a change in the conditions, they may continue to use the respective parts - using the terms they originally agreed to. Out of respect for the author's decision however, they should follow the updated terms as soon as they're aware of them.

    Our aim is to give modders a website to present their content with their own conditions. We recommend everybody to write their own terms as clear as possible. If you use a precise phrasing, you may be able to avoid questions. If a modder allows editing for personal use but doesn't wish to see any pictures of it, people should follow that. Modding is a hobby that depends on work by other people, therefore we need to respect each other.

    If it comes to a dispute about permissions, try to talk to each other in private and find a compromise you can both agree to. If you need help, feel free to contact a member of staff, as we may be able to assist you. We hope we'll be able to continue to have a friendly community and a website where everybody feels comfortable.

    We've just finished updating our software. Apart from a minor update to the gallery, we've implemented a new filebase software and a new design for the complete website.

    The most extensive changes have been made to the filebase:

    • It is now possible assign files to mulitple categories, giving you many possibilities to filter for specific files.
    • For police vehicles categories, each country will get an own category.
    • All vehicle categories now provide labels for car brands.
    • For GTA IV, the ELS versions can be set and filtered as well.

    We're going to add more labels or categories if required in future. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Of course, all approved old files have been moved to the new software and old links are still working.

    If you've found any issue or you want to give feedback, feel free to use the Website Feedback & Discussion category.

    I'm guessing the axis is not in the correct position, then. Try using Display > Local Axis > Center to Object on the wheel (not the collision, though).

    You can always release whatever you want here in the forums. It's the best place for feedback, and it's much easier to give advice if you actually have a mod to look at. Judging from the screens only, as Kevin said, it does look pretty good :)

    We're still working on setting up the filebase, but as soon as we're done, you can also submit it there and we'll see if it actually meets our requirements. ^^

    Edit: There's one thing I've noticed: Your chrome parts look a bit dull. It's best to use a dark grey diffuse map with a white spec map.