Updates to our Terms of Use - August 7th 2022

    • Official Post

    We will soon introduce changes to our terms of use. Please review the Updated Terms of Use, which will take effect on August 7th 2022. Starting on this date, every registered user will have to accept the updated terms of use in order to be able to continue using our website.

    The following changes have been made:

    In preparation to the upcoming Digital Services Act of the European Union, we have clarified our moderation guidelines regarding reports and any restrictions to user accounts and content.

    In addition, we are making the following explicit changes to the content of the terms of use:

    • It will be made clear that users may appeal against any restrictions and explained how they can appeal.
    • It will be made clear that users may post links to commercial projects that are related to the topic of this website in the profile fields for their website, YouTube channel and Discord server.
    • If users commit actions outside of this platform that are suitable to disrupt its service, to harm or harass other members, or to violate other members' legal rights, restrictions to their accounts may be applied.
    • Offering paid modifications or offering to pay for modifications will be forbidden.

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