My edited ped texture is orange but the hair is colored

  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping ().
  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping ().
  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping ().
  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping ().
  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping ().
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    Please do not bump threads, as per our Forum Guidelines, you may only create consecutive posts if they are an important contribution to the thread. If anybody is able to help you, they will reply. If not, you should probably add any additional info you can, such as what edits you've made in particular, what fixes you've already attempted, or screenshots of the embedded textures or texture dictionaries.

  • Please do not bump threads, as per our Forum Guidelines, you may only create consecutive posts if they are an important contribution to the thread. If anybody is able to help you, they will reply. If not, you should probably add any additional info you can, such as what edits you've made in particular, what fixes you've already attempted, or screenshots of the embedded textures or texture dictionaries.

    Sorry I've just made this add-on ped topless the fixes I've made was tried to change the textures names in ytd sorry for very late reply

  • I think you would need to provide more information before anyone could offer anything helpful.

    You WANT the ped to be orange but you expect the hair not to be colored? What color do you want the hair?

  • I think you would need to provide more information before anyone could offer anything helpful.

    You WANT the ped to be orange but you expect the hair not to be colored? What color do you want the hair?

    No i just wanted the ped to be original colored I've made my ped topless only that's why i censored the image also sorry for very late reply i was sleeping

  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Smanbg: Bumping/consecutively asking for a reply. ().
  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Smanbg: Bumping/consecutively asking for a reply. ().
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    Pursuant to our Forum Guidelines, we, again, ask that you avoid creating two consecutive posts, or otherwise "bumping" the topic unless the posts contain information that is deemed relevant or important to the topic itself. As previously shared—if anyone has insight into the nature of your issue, they will reply. If not, repeatedly asking for a reply would be futile, regardless of the perceived importance of the issue.

  • Pursuant to our Forum Guidelines, we, again, ask that you avoid creating two consecutive posts, or otherwise "bumping" the topic unless the posts contain information that is deemed relevant or important to the topic itself. As previously shared—if anyone has insight into the nature of your issue, they will reply. If not, repeatedly asking for a reply would be futile, regardless of the perceived importance of the issue.

    Sorry but i wish anyone can reply before the new update comes out ASAP.

  • the fixes I've made was tried to change the textures names in ytd sorry for very late reply

    It's possible that OpenIV displays an orange placeholder if the texture isn't found. Make sure the name matches the original texture name. When you edit a texture, you just need to replace the original one, any name changes will result in the game not recognizing the file.

  • It's possible that OpenIV displays an orange placeholder if the texture isn't found. Make sure the name matches the original texture name. When you edit a texture, you just need to replace the original one, any name changes will result in the game not recognizing the file.

    I tried renaming it didn't work but how can i replace the original one? please answer sorry for late reply again.

    Is it ok for you if i send my file so you can fix it please sorry for another reply.

    Edited once, last by Cj24: Merged a post created by Player2002 into this post. ().

  • Post by Player2002 ().

    This post was deleted by Cj24: Bumping. ().

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